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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 | 12x 12x 55572x 55572x 12x 1648x 1648x 26133x 1648x 1652x 1652x 1652x 26137x 1652x 3300x 3300x 65619x 65619x 65619x 65619x 65619x 55572x 55572x 55572x 55572x 286810x 286810x 286810x 1650x 1650x 1650x 1650x 27786x 27786x 27786x | import {type ITimestampStruct, type IClockVector, Timestamp} from '../../clock'; import type {CrdtReader} from '../../util/binary/CrdtReader'; import type {CrdtWriter} from '../../util/binary/CrdtWriter'; export class ClockTableEntry { constructor( public index: number, public id: ITimestampStruct, ) {} } export class ClockTable { public static from(clock: IClockVector): ClockTable { const table = new ClockTable(); table.push(new Timestamp(clock.sid, clock.time - 1)); // biome-ignore lint: using .forEach() on Map is the fastest way to iterate clock.peers.forEach((id) => table.push(id)); return table; } public static decode(reader: CrdtReader): ClockTable { const clockTable = new ClockTable(); const length = reader.vu57(); clockTable.push(new Timestamp(reader.vu57(), reader.vu57())); for (let i = 1; i < length; i++) clockTable.push(new Timestamp(reader.vu57(), reader.vu57())); return clockTable; } public readonly bySid: Map<number, ClockTableEntry> = new Map<number, ClockTableEntry>(); public readonly byIdx: ITimestampStruct[] = []; public parseField(field: `${string}_${string}`): ITimestampStruct { const underscoreIndex = field.indexOf('_'); const relativeSid = Number.parseInt(field.slice(0, underscoreIndex), 36); const time = Number.parseInt(field.slice(underscoreIndex + 1), 36); const clock = this.byIdx[relativeSid]; return new Timestamp(clock.sid, time); } public push(id: ITimestampStruct): void { const byIdx = this.byIdx; const index = byIdx.length; byIdx.push(id); this.bySid.set(id.sid, new ClockTableEntry(index, id)); } public getBySid(sid: number): ClockTableEntry { const entry = this.bySid.get(sid); Iif (!entry) throw new Error('CLOCK_NOT_FOUND'); return entry; } public write(writer: CrdtWriter): void { const table = this.byIdx; const length = table.length; writer.vu57(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const clock = table[i]; writer.vu57(clock.sid); writer.vu57(clock.time); } } } |