Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 | 12x 12x 12x 12x 12x 12x 12x 151x 1650x 1650x 1650x 1650x 1650x 1650x 1650x 1650x 1648x 1648x 1648x 65617x 1650x 151x 65617x 65617x 65617x 65617x 65617x 65617x 65617x 42475x 40535x 21296x 21295x 7728x 4796x 221191x 221191x 65617x 65617x 788x 76x 23142x 23142x 23142x 23142x 23142x 1x 1x 23141x 23141x 23142x 1940x 1940x 1940x 1940x 1940x 1940x 19239x 19239x 19239x 19239x 19239x 19239x 19239x 151x 54742x 54742x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 13567x 13567x 13567x 13567x 13567x 96671x 96671x 41945x 13567x 2932x 2932x 2932x 2932x 2932x 53200x 53200x 53200x 53200x 53200x 11317x 2932x 4796x 4796x 4796x 4796x 4796x 5700x 5700x 5700x 5700x 5700x 4787x 7288x 4796x | import {type ITimestampStruct, Timestamp} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/clock'; import {ClockTable} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/codec/clock/ClockTable'; import {CrdtWriter} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/util/binary/CrdtWriter'; import {CborEncoder} from ''; import type {Model} from '../../../model'; import * as nodes from '../../../nodes'; import {CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY} from '../../structural/binary/constants'; import type {IndexedFields, FieldName} from './types'; export class Encoder { public readonly enc: CborEncoder<CrdtWriter>; protected clockTable?: ClockTable; constructor(writer?: CrdtWriter) { this.enc = new CborEncoder<CrdtWriter>(writer || new CrdtWriter()); } public encode(doc: Model<any>, clockTable: ClockTable = ClockTable.from(doc.clock)): IndexedFields { this.clockTable = clockTable; const writer = this.enc.writer; writer.reset(); clockTable.write(writer); const encodedClock = writer.flush(); const rootValueId = doc.root.val; const result: IndexedFields = { c: encodedClock, }; if (rootValueId.sid !== 0) { writer.reset(); this.ts(rootValueId); result.r = writer.flush(); } // biome-ignore lint: index is not iterable doc.index.forEach(({v: node}) => this.onNode(result, node)); return result; } protected readonly onNode = (result: IndexedFields, node: nodes.JsonNode) => { const id =; const sid = id.sid; const time = id.time; const sidIndex = this.clockTable!.getBySid(sid).index; const field = (sidIndex.toString(36) + '_' + time.toString(36)) as FieldName; result[field] = this.encodeNode(node); }; public encodeNode(node: nodes.JsonNode): Uint8Array { if (node instanceof nodes.ConNode) return this.encodeCon(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.ValNode) return this.encodeVal(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.ObjNode) return this.encodeObj(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.VecNode) return this.encodeVec(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.StrNode) return this.encodeStr(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.BinNode) return this.encodeBin(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.ArrNode) return this.encodeArr(node); throw new Error('UNKNOWN_NODE'); } protected ts(id: ITimestampStruct): void { const index = this.clockTable!.getBySid(id.sid).index;, id.time); } protected writeTL(majorOverlay: CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY, length: number): void { const writer = this.enc.writer; if (length < 24) writer.u8(majorOverlay + length); else if (length <= 0xff) writer.u16(((majorOverlay + 24) << 8) + length); else if (length <= 0xffff) writer.u8u16(majorOverlay + 25, length); else Ewriter.u8u32(majorOverlay + 26, length); } public encodeCon(node: nodes.ConNode): Uint8Array { const encoder = this.enc; const writer = encoder.writer; const val = node.val; writer.reset(); if (val instanceof Timestamp) { this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.CON, 1); this.ts(val as Timestamp); } else { this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.CON, 0); encoder.writeAny(val); } return writer.flush(); } public encodeVal(node: nodes.ValNode): Uint8Array { const writer = this.enc.writer; const child = node.node(); writer.reset(); this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.VAL, 0); this.ts(; return writer.flush(); } public encodeObj(node: nodes.ObjNode): Uint8Array { const encoder = this.enc; const writer = encoder.writer; writer.reset(); const keys = node.keys; this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.OBJ, keys.size); keys.forEach(this.onObjKey); return writer.flush(); } private readonly onObjKey = (value: ITimestampStruct, key: string) => { this.enc.writeStr(key); this.ts(value); }; public encodeVec(node: nodes.VecNode): Uint8Array { const writer = this.enc.writer; writer.reset(); const length = node.elements.length; this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.VEC, length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const childId = node.val(i); Iif (!childId) writer.u8(0); else { writer.u8(1); this.ts(childId); } } return writer.flush(); } public encodeStr(node: nodes.StrNode): Uint8Array { const encoder = this.enc; const writer = encoder.writer; writer.reset(); this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.STR, node.count); for (let chunk = node.first(); chunk; chunk = { this.ts(; if (chunk.del) encoder.writeUInteger(chunk.span); else encoder.writeStr(!); } return writer.flush(); } public encodeBin(node: nodes.BinNode): Uint8Array { const encoder = this.enc; const writer = encoder.writer; writer.reset(); this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.BIN, node.count); for (let chunk = node.first(); chunk; chunk = { const length = chunk.span; const deleted = chunk.del; this.ts(; writer.b1vu56(~~deleted as 0 | 1, length); if (deleted) continue; writer.buf(!, length); } return writer.flush(); } public encodeArr(node: nodes.ArrNode): Uint8Array { const encoder = this.enc; const writer = encoder.writer; writer.reset(); this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.ARR, node.count); for (let chunk = node.first(); chunk; chunk = { const length = chunk.span; const deleted = chunk.del; this.ts(; writer.b1vu56(~~deleted as 0 | 1, length); if (deleted) continue; const data =; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) this.ts(data![i]); } return writer.flush(); } } |