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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 | 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 160x 160x 160x 160x 160x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 224x 160x 573x 573x 573x 573x 160x 14582x 14582x 224x 224x 224x 7722x 7722x 6x 2x 9915x 8063x 7722x 5130x 2022x 2016x 82x 1854x 1854x 1854x 1854x 1x 1x 1x 1853x 1853x 341x 341x 341x 3108x 3108x 3108x 3108x 3108x 3108x 3108x 7306x 7306x 7306x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 16x 16x 14x 2592x 2592x 2592x 2592x 2592x 2592x 3204x 3204x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 118x 118x 1934x 1934x 1934x 1934x 1934x 1934x 1934x 1342x 1342x 1342x 1342x 1342x 1321x 1321x 2030x | import * as nodes from '../../../nodes'; import {ClockEncoder} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/codec/clock/ClockEncoder'; import {CrdtWriter} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/util/binary/CrdtWriter'; import {type ITimestampStruct, Timestamp} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/clock'; import {CborEncoder} from ''; import {SESSION} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/constants'; import {CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY} from '../../structural/binary/constants'; import {sort} from ''; import {UNDEFINED} from '../../../model/Model'; import type {Model} from '../../../model'; export class Encoder { protected clockEncoder: ClockEncoder = new ClockEncoder(); protected time: number = 0; protected doc!: Model; protected readonly viewEncoder: CborEncoder<CrdtWriter> = new CborEncoder(new CrdtWriter()); protected readonly metaEncoder: CborEncoder<CrdtWriter> = new CborEncoder(new CrdtWriter()); protected index: number = 0; public encode(doc: Model<any>): [view: Uint8Array, meta: Uint8Array] { this.doc = doc; this.index = 0; this.metaEncoder.writer.reset(); this.encodeLogical(doc); return [this.viewEncoder.writer.flush(), this.metaEncoder.writer.flush()]; } public encodeLogical(model: Model): void { const writer = this.metaEncoder.writer; this.clockEncoder.reset(model.clock); writer.ensureCapacity(4); const x0 = writer.x0; const x = writer.x; writer.x += 4; this.cRoot(model.root); this.encodeClockTable(x0, x); } protected encodeClockTable(x0: number, x: number) { const writer = this.metaEncoder.writer; const shift = writer.x0 - x0; writer.view.setUint32(writer.x0 + (x - x0), writer.x - x - shift - 4); const clockEncoder = this.clockEncoder!; const table = clockEncoder.table; const length = table.size; writer.vu57(length); table.forEach(this.cTableEntry); } protected readonly cTableEntry = (entry: {clock: ITimestampStruct}) => { const clock = entry.clock; const writer = this.metaEncoder.writer; writer.vu57(clock.sid); writer.vu57(clock.time); }; protected readonly ts = (ts: ITimestampStruct): void => { const relativeId = this.clockEncoder!.append(ts);, relativeId.timeDiff); }; protected cRoot(root: nodes.RootNode): void { const val = root.val; Iif (val.sid === SESSION.SYSTEM) this.metaEncoder.writer.u8(0); else this.cNode(root.node()); } protected writeTL(majorOverlay: CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY, length: number): void { const writer = this.metaEncoder.writer; if (length < 24) writer.u8(majorOverlay + length); else if (length <= 0xff) writer.u16(((majorOverlay + 24) << 8) + length); else if (length <= 0xffff) writer.u8u16(majorOverlay + 25, length); else Ewriter.u8u32(majorOverlay + 26, length); } protected cNode(node: nodes.JsonNode): void { // TODO: PERF: use a switch? if (node instanceof nodes.ConNode) this.cCon(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.ValNode) this.cVal(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.StrNode) this.cStr(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.ObjNode) this.cObj(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.VecNode) this.cVec(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.ArrNode) this.cArr(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.BinNode) this.cBin(node); } protected cCon(node: nodes.ConNode): void { const val = node.val; this.ts(; const metaEncoder = this.metaEncoder; if (val instanceof Timestamp) { this.viewEncoder.writeNull(); metaEncoder.writer.u8(1); // this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.CON, 1); this.ts(val); } else { this.viewEncoder.writeAny(val); metaEncoder.writer.u8(0); // this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.CON, 0); } } protected cVal(node: nodes.ValNode): void { this.ts(; this.metaEncoder.writer.u8(0b00100000); // this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.VAL, 0); this.cNode(node.node()); } protected cObj(node: nodes.ObjNode): void { this.ts(; const keys = sort([...node.keys.keys()]); const size = keys.length; this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.OBJ, size); const viewEncoder = this.viewEncoder; viewEncoder.writeObjHdr(size); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { const key = keys[i]; viewEncoder.writeStr(key); this.cNode(node.get(key)!); } } protected cVec(node: nodes.VecNode): void { this.ts(; const elements = node.elements; const length = elements.length; this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.VEC, length); this.viewEncoder.writeArrHdr(length); const index = this.doc.index; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const elementId = elements[i]; if (!elementId) this.cCon(UNDEFINED); else this.cNode(index.get(elementId)!); } } protected cStr(node: nodes.StrNode): void { const ts = this.ts; ts(; this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.STR, node.count); this.viewEncoder.writeStr(node.view()); const writer = this.metaEncoder.writer; for (let chunk = node.first(); chunk; chunk = { ts(; writer.b1vu56(~~chunk.del as 0 | 1, chunk.span); } } protected cBin(node: nodes.BinNode): void { const ts = this.ts; ts(; this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.BIN, node.count); this.viewEncoder.writeBin(node.view()); const writer = this.metaEncoder.writer; for (let chunk = node.first(); chunk; chunk = { ts(; writer.b1vu56(~~chunk.del as 0 | 1, chunk.span); } } protected cArr(node: nodes.ArrNode): void { const ts = this.ts; ts(; this.writeTL(CRDT_MAJOR_OVERLAY.ARR, node.count); this.viewEncoder.writeArrHdr(node.length()); const writer = this.metaEncoder.writer; const index = this.doc.index; for (let chunk = node.first(); chunk; chunk = { ts(; const deleted = chunk.del; const span = chunk.span; writer.b1vu56(~~deleted as 0 | 1, span); if (!deleted) { const elements =!; const elementsLength = elements.length; for (let i = 0; i < elementsLength; i++) this.cNode(index.get(elements[i])!); } } } } |