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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 | 19x 19x 19x 19x 19x 19x 2485x 2485x 2485x 2485x 315x 2170x 2170x 2485x 2485x 2485x 2485x 288947x 22660x 266287x 266287x 120837x 81738x 68946x 42571x 40892x 40886x 4888x 39099x 103508x 39099x 39099x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 18x 18x 16x 16x 6x 6x 12792x 12792x 12792x 10236x 10236x 10236x 10236x 717x 9519x 9519x 13165x 9519x 12792x 12792x 26375x 26375x 97164x 26375x 26375x 4888x 4888x 60708x 4888x 4888x 1679x 1679x 35998x 35998x 35998x 2x 2x 2x 35996x 10281x 10281x 35998x | import * as nodes from '../../../nodes'; import {ClockEncoder} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/codec/clock/ClockEncoder'; import {type ITimestampStruct, Timestamp} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/clock'; import {JsonCrdtDataType} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/constants'; import {SESSION} from '../../../../json-crdt-patch/constants'; import type * as t from './types'; import type {Model} from '../../../model'; export class Encoder { protected time?: number; protected clock?: ClockEncoder; protected model!: Model; public encode(model: Model<any>): t.JsonCrdtCompactDocument { this.model = model; const isServerTime = model.clock.sid === SESSION.SERVER; const clock = model.clock; if (isServerTime) { this.time = clock.time; } else { this.clock = new ClockEncoder(); this.clock.reset(model.clock); } const root = model.root; const doc: t.JsonCrdtCompactDocument = [0, !root.val.time ? 0 : this.cNode(root.node())]; doc[0] = isServerTime ? this.time! : this.clock!.toJson(); return doc; } protected ts(ts: ITimestampStruct): t.JsonCrdtCompactTimestamp { switch (ts.sid) { case SESSION.SYSTEM: return [ts.sid, ts.time]; case SESSION.SERVER: return this.time! - ts.time; default: { const relativeId = this.clock!.append(ts); return [-relativeId.sessionIndex, relativeId.timeDiff]; } } } protected cNode(node: nodes.JsonNode): t.JsonCrdtCompactNode { // TODO: PERF: use switch with `node.constructor`. if (node instanceof nodes.ObjNode) return this.cObj(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.ArrNode) return this.cArr(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.StrNode) return this.cStr(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.ValNode) return this.cVal(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.VecNode) return this.cVec(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.ConNode) return this.cCon(node); else if (node instanceof nodes.BinNode) return this.cBin(node); throw new Error('UNKNOWN_NODE'); } protected cObj(obj: nodes.ObjNode): t.JsonCrdtCompactObj { const map: t.JsonCrdtCompactObj[2] = {}; obj.nodes((child, key) => (map[key] = this.cNode(child))); const res: t.JsonCrdtCompactObj = [JsonCrdtDataType.obj, this.ts(, map]; return res; } protected cVec(vec: nodes.VecNode): t.JsonCrdtCompactVec { const elements = vec.elements; const length = elements.length; const index = this.model.index; const map: t.JsonCrdtCompactVec[2] = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const elementId = elements[i]; if (!elementId) map.push(0); else { const node = index.get(elementId)!; map.push(this.cNode(node)); } } const res: t.JsonCrdtCompactVec = [JsonCrdtDataType.vec, this.ts(, map]; return res; } protected cArr(node: nodes.ArrNode): t.JsonCrdtCompactArr { const chunks: t.JsonCrdtCompactArr[2] = []; const index = this.model.index; for (let chunk = node.first(); chunk; chunk = { const deleted = chunk.del; const span = chunk.span; const chunkIdEncoded = this.ts(; if (deleted) { chunks.push([chunkIdEncoded, span]); } else { const nodeIds =!; const nodes: t.JsonCrdtCompactArrChunk[1] = []; for (let i = 0; i < span; i++) nodes.push(this.cNode(index.get(nodeIds[i])!)); chunks.push([chunkIdEncoded, nodes]); } } const res: t.JsonCrdtCompactArr = [JsonCrdtDataType.arr, this.ts(, chunks]; return res; } protected cStr(node: nodes.StrNode): t.JsonCrdtCompactStr { const chunks: t.JsonCrdtCompactStr[2] = []; for (let chunk = node.first(); chunk; chunk = chunks.push([this.ts(, chunk.del ? chunk.span :!] as | t.JsonCrdtCompactStrChunk | t.JsonCrdtCompactTombstone); const res: t.JsonCrdtCompactStr = [JsonCrdtDataType.str, this.ts(, chunks]; return res; } protected cBin(node: nodes.BinNode): t.JsonCrdtCompactBin { const chunks: t.JsonCrdtCompactBin[2] = []; for (let chunk = node.first(); chunk; chunk = chunks.push([this.ts(, chunk.del ? chunk.span :!] as | t.JsonCrdtCompactBinChunk | t.JsonCrdtCompactTombstone); const res: t.JsonCrdtCompactBin = [JsonCrdtDataType.bin, this.ts(, chunks]; return res; } protected cVal(node: nodes.ValNode): t.JsonCrdtCompactVal { const res: t.JsonCrdtCompactVal = [JsonCrdtDataType.val, this.ts(, this.cNode(node.node())]; return res; } protected cCon(node: nodes.ConNode): t.JsonCrdtCompactCon { const val = node.val; const res: t.JsonCrdtCompactCon = [JsonCrdtDataType.con, this.ts(, val]; if (val instanceof Timestamp) { res[2] = 0; const specialData = this.ts(val); res.push(specialData); } else if (val === undefined) { res[2] = 0; res.push(0); } return res; } } |