All files createRace.ts

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 * Constructs a function that will only invoke the first function passed to it
 * concurrently. Once the function has been executed, the racer will be reset
 * and the next invocation will be allowed to execute.
 * Example:
 * ```ts
 * import {createRace} from 'thingies/es2020/createRace';
 * const race = createRace();
 * race(() => {
 *   race(() => {
 *    console.log('This will not be executed');
 *   });
 *   console.log('This will be executed');
 * });
 * race(() => {
 *  console.log('This will be executed');
 * });
 * ```
 * @returns A "race" function that will only invoke the first function passed to it.
export const createRace = () => {
  let invoked: boolean = false;
  return <T>(fn: () => T): T | undefined => {
    if (invoked) return;
    invoked = true;
    try {
      return fn();
    } finally {
      invoked = false;