
Allows you to show an "exit" animation when un-mounting your component.

An exiting prop with value true will be injected in your component when it is being unmounted.

ExitSensor expects a single child component with key prop specified. The key prop is used to identify components.


import {ExitSensor} from 'libreact/lib/ExitSensor';

<ExitSensor time={200}>
  {isRectangle ? <Rectangle key='rect' /> : <Circle key='circ' />}

, where

const Rectangle = ({exiting}) => {
  return (
    <div style={{
      opacity: exiting ? 0 : 1
      transition: 'all 0.5s',
      width: 200,
      height: 200,
      background: 'tomato',
    }} />


  • time — number, optional, time in milliseconds how long to still show the old component after it has been replaced by a new one. Defaults to 200.

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