
FaCC that tracks width and height of its children.


Use it as FaCC

import {SizeSensor} from 'libreact/lib/SizeSensor';

<SizeSensor>{({width, height}) =>
  `WIDTH: ${width}, HEIGHT: ${height}`

Or use onSize prop

import {SizeSensor} from 'libreact/lib/SizeSensor';

<SizeSensor onSize={({width, height}) => console.log(width, height)}>
  Resize me!

withSize() HOC

HOC that merges size prop into enhanced component's props.

import {withSize} from 'libreact/lib/SizeSensor';

const MyComp = (props) =>
  <pre style={{fontFamily: 'monospace'}}>
    {JSON.stringify(props, null, 4)}

const MyCompWithSize = withSize(MyComp);

<MyCompWithSize />

You can overwrite the inject prop name

const MyCompWithDimensions = withSize(MyComp, 'dimensions');

Or simply merge the whole object into your props

const MyCompWithSize = withSize(MyComp, '');

@withSize decorator

React stateful component decorator that adds size prop.

import {withSize} from 'libreact/lib/SizeSensor';

class MyComp extends Component {


Specify different prop name

class MyComp extends Component {


or merge the the whole size object into props

class MyComp extends Component {


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