
<Interpolation> is similar to <Tween>, but instead of simply providing a value in [0...1] range it interpolates a map of values you define.


Below code animates movement of a 100x100px square.

import {Interpolation} from 'libreact/lib/Interpolation';

<Interpolation ms={1000} easing='inQuint' map={{
  left: [120, 300],
  top: [22, 322],
  opacity: [0, 1]
}}>{({left, top, opacity}) =>
  <div style={{
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    background: 'tomato',
    position: 'relative',


Accepts all the <Tween> props in addiont to:

  • map — required, map of [start, end] values to interpolate.

withInterpolation() HOC

Injects an interpolation prop into your component.

import {withInterpolation} from 'libreact/lib/Interpolation';

const CompAnimated = withInterpolation(Comp, 'interpolation', {
  ms: 1000,
  easing: 'circ',
  map: {
    left: [120, 300],
    top: [22, 322],
    opacity: [0, 1]

@withInterpolation decorator

Injects an interpolation prop into your component.

import {withInterpolation} from 'libreact/lib/Interpolation';

@withInterpolation('interpolation', {
  ms: 1000,
  easing: 'circ',
  map: {
    left: [120, 300],
    top: [22, 322],
    opacity: [0, 1]
class MyComp extends Component {


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